Japan time:  11:00

LHD from Japan

Export Car


Moto Auction



Export Car Auction

Export Car










How do I submit a bid?

No need to register to try the bid submit engine work! Go to ‘Auctions’, choose a car, indicate your bid sum and add the lot to Bids Cart. Do just the same to find some more cars and add them to your Bids Cart. Bids Cart enables you to specify your search, delete lots or change your bid sum.

You are a registered dealer and you’ve fully paid your deposit? Submit your bids in the following way:

Click ‘Members log in’ on Auctions page. Indicate your e-mail and password, and then click ‘Login’. Hello message in the left upper corner, like ‘Welcome, John Brown!’ means your e-mail and password are correct.  It also means you can start bidding.

Choose a lot, indicate a bid sum you want to pay for it and click ‘Add to cart’. Avoid commas, spaces, dots, or any other punctuation marks. Just a plain figure. You see here an example of 200000 (Two hundred thousand) JPY:

Export Car

Click ‘Add to cart’ and get a confirmation message ‘Thank you for bidding! Lot has been added into Bids cart!’ Follow the ‘Bids cart’ link to view your personal Bids cart:

Export Car

Bids cart is a service to edit your bids. You can add up to 10 cars per day to your cart. This is a start page for your bids to participate in auctions. Click ‘Submit’ and you bids will be placed on auctions.

Our company enables you to make up to 10 bids a day if you have an intention to buy one car only. Let’s add two more Mitsubishi Pajero IO to our cart. For now we have three cars in our cart:

Export Car

To delete a lot from your Bids cart enter a check in Del box and then click ‘Modify’. To change the bid sum do the same. Just change a figure and click ‘Modify’.

To the left below the table there is form that allows to choose the number of cars to purchase. Indicate how many cars you are going to buy. E.g., 1 of 3, or 2 of 3, or 1 of 10 cars possible. Please note, that you should not exceed the limit of 10 bids per day at maximum, if you buy one car only.

The number of cars being purchased directly depends on your auction deposit. In case you’ve paid a fairly great one, you can stipulate purchasing up to 10 of 10 cars possible.

To place your bids on auctions click ‘Submit bids’.